University of Bergen

Global issues and international relations have always been a priority at UiB, across all disciplines and Faculties. The university’s mission is to contribute to society through the expertise acquired through high quality research, education, dissemination of knowledge and innovation. UiB has 3 priority areas: Ocean, Global challenges, and Climate and energy transition.

Global Health Research at UiB

Centre for International Health (CIH) is interdisciplinary, interfaculty, and cross-Institutional and collaborates with regional and national institutions. CIH’s primary focus is Global Health. The Centre has established many long-term collaborations and partnerships with institutions in low- and middle-income countries primarily in Africa and south-east Asia, and is extremely active in capacity building and strengthening.
CIH hosts the only Norwegian Centre of Excellence in Global Health, the Centre for Intervention Science in Maternal and Child Health, CISMAC.
CIH the host for the Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research.

Global Health Education at UiB
The Centre for International Health offers most of UiB’s courses in Global Health, including both core and elective training courses. The courses are interfacultary and cross disiplines, and are offed with partnes form oral health, mental health and nutrition, to mention some. Please click here for an overview of the PhD, Master, undergraduate and online courses. Our candidates have an option to enrolle in TropEd, Network for Education in International Health, where we also receive a number of students to Bergen.

Overview of courses

The Master Programme in Global Health dates back to 1988, and the Medical Faculty offers an elective course in Global Health at the Medical School. The programme defines Global Health broadly as an area for study, research, and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving health equity for all people worldwide. It has a particular focus on health problems in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) and aims to build capacity through research and postgraduate training in partnership with academic institutions in collaborating countries.

Master Programme in Global Health

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