Day Zero: Wednesday 10 February 2021

As before, Day Zero will have an Opening Plenary Session, followed by three waves of 90-minute workshop sessions. For our all-digital event in 2021, there are two modes of hosting a Day Zero workshop:

  1. Hybrid Mode The first mode for designing/hosting your workshop is at a physical location in a normal form only that it is live streamed so that audience members can use their video and microphone to interact with the physical-based Day Zero workshop.
  2. Digital Mode The second mode of designing/hosting a Day Zero workshop is the pure digital mode where the moderator and any panel members or speakers and participants are all joined in a “Session” on the Day Zero web-based platform. Audience members/remote participants will have the opportunity to use their video camera and microphone like a normal video conference meeting.

Read more about Day Zero and submit your abstract here: Day Zero

Fancy feedback on your ongoing research or want to report results? Register your event for "Day Zero" - an academic festival with activities relevant to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Day Zero is a free event the day before the SDG conference in Bergen.

Registration by 15 November 2020