Health systems strengthening - Health for all revisited - Oslo 10-11 April 2018
Norwegian Global Health Conference 2018
The 2018 Norwegian Global Health Conference took place at the University of Oslo, 10-11 April.
Keynote speakers
Richard Horton is editor-in-chief of The Lancet, which he joined in 1990. He is honorary professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University College London, and the University of Oslo. He has a longstanding interest in global health, and has co-chaired the independent Expert Review Group on Women’s and Children’s Health, reporting to the UN Secretary-General, and was member of the External Reference Group for WHO’s Research Strategy.
Göran Tomson is Senior Professor of International Health Systems Research at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, Senior Advisor and Co-Founder of Swedish Institute for Global Health Transformation (SIGHT), as well as Visiting Professor at Shandong University, China. His extensive research and policy work focuses on universal health coverage. Recent appointments include chairing the WHO Scientific Advisory Committee’s Alliance for Health Policy Systems Research and the Board of the GLOBVAC programme of the Norwegian Research Council. In 2017 he co-founded SIGHT, the Swedish Institute for Global Health Transformation.
Programme (pdf)
Articles written after the conference:
- Global Health Norway Conference 2018 Poster Prizes
- Perils and preconditions for health
- Revisiting "Health for All"
- Post GLOBVAC - alternate funding opportunities